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10 Questions with Anand Majithia

10 Questions with Anand Majithia

Viraj Patel21 Mar 2022 - 09:29

This week, we sat down with our biggest fan Anand, as he shares his greatest memories at the club...

The loudest voice off the pitch, Anand has been our biggest fan for 20+ years. He's been our scorer, chauffeur, part-time coach and he's always the first to buy you a drink and give some advice - the club wouldn't be the same without him!
- Ankit Shah

Earlier this week, we interviewed the club's biggest fan (and 1XI scorer) Anand Majithia, here's the interview in full.

1. How long have you been at Kenton CC?
I’ve been at the club for 30 years or so but the drinking makes it a blur!

2. What made you choose Kenton as your home club?
It all started when Kenton were fighting for promotion under Rahul’s leadership. I went with a bottle of champagne to the last game of the season hoping Kenton would get promoted and we could have a good time but Sod’s law, we lost and instead of celebrating our promotion we celebrated NOT being promoted. That’s when I realised that Kenton was a cricket club who played hard but fair, and accepted the good and the bad.

3. Have you ever played for Kenton?
Countless times. I’ve fielded more times than I can count for the first team (mainly fine leg to fine leg) but sadly I have never been picked for my quality - the skippers didn’t know what they were missing! I was always the 12th man so I only ever played when there was an injury or a late dropout.

4. What's the best innings you've witnessed at Kenton?
It has to be Ash Karia’s first ever game for Kenton. Fresh from Kenya I asked Sachin Patel, the captain at the time, to pick a player he didn’t know, who had never been to our nets and who had never been to the club before. Ash went in one down and ended his first game with a century and 4 wickets. What a way to make a first impression!

5. Who’s your favourite drinking partner?
Back in the day, I’d have to say Geez (Rahul Kotecha) but now I’d say I couldn’t tell you who my favourite is, they’re all a good laugh and great to be around.

6. If you played which players would you avoid in the nets?
Let’s be honest, would I really play? If I had to choose, Kush and Yash would be the ones I’d avoid - One mistake would mean that they’d never stop bragging.

7. What was the toughest period of time for Kenton?
I think the toughest period of time, in terms of a cricketing perspective, was when we were in division 2. If I remember correctly our record that year was 1 win and 17 losses. Obviously not the season we wanted but you can be sure we valued that one win all the more.

8. Who would make your all time Kenton XI?

  1. Deepak Singh
  2. Schopun Jooma
  3. Ashish Karia
  4. Sachin Patel (capt.)
  5. Jamie Herd
  6. Kumar Sadagopan
  7. Kalpesh Kerai
  8. Viraj Patel (wkt)
  9. Nandu Patel
  10. Paul McIvor
  11. Sami Haider
  12. Anand Majithia

Players in bold are currently representing our XI's on a Saturday.

9. What’s the best thing about Kenton?
I know it’s cliché but it’s a family club and like any family there’s always ups and downs; Thankfully we have a lot more ups than downs!

10. Where would you like to see Kenton in 3 years time?
Division 2 next year for sure and hopefully Division 1 within 3 years (for the 1XI) but the most important thing is to keep our chairman Ankit Shah for as long as possible, as I believe he has the vision to take us places.

Further reading